Thursday, November 17, 2016

My Letter Reply to News Editor Rouse About -Injury lawsuits are a costly for NJ Transit

My Letter Reply to News Editor Rouse About -Injury lawsuits are costly for NJ Transit

NJ Transit doles out millions of dollars each year to settle claims related to pedestrians who have been struck by NJ Transit buses, resulting in brain injuries, crushed hands, and feet, disfigurement or — in a few cases — death, records show.


Hello Rouse,

My name is Naomi; I am the mother of late Deshon Johnson who was killed by Coach USA bus driver Wilson Romaine operating NJ Transit bus in Bloomfield NJ July 18, 2012.  Your story on North has caught my attention about the Injury lawsuits are costly for NJ Transit. I am fighting for a law that will hold these reckless bus drivers accountable for all these innocent lives taken in vain. I believe if the reckless bus drivers know that they will face imprisonment these lawsuits will be down and the killing and injury will subside. I am trying to locate all of these victim love ones to rally or partake in this campaign with me to make a difference for another person love one.
All of these deaths need to stop. May you please share my so the survivors like me can make a difference and be the voice for the deceased? These legalize murder need to stop by these reckless bus drivers who supposed to be professionally trained drivers. The NJ Transit/ Community Coach USA bus companies need to stop having these transportation commuters paying for the lawsuits by rising up a fare and start holding the bus drivers accountable for their actions, not the commuters.

What message are these bus companies trying to convey to the world when they are protecting these reckless drivers? Are they saying it is okay to kill an innocent person and get away with murder because human lives are not that important?

It is not fair that these reckless bus drivers can go home to their family and back to work but the pedestrians/victims cannot. The victims love ones have to go to the cemetery for the holidays while these reckless bus drivers can grace their existence with his or her loved ones for the holidays.

Enough is enough with these killings and injuries! The politicians must wake up and see that this is a serious massive problem that needs attention and stop sweeping it under the rug.


Thank you kindly for taking the time out to read my concern.


Concern Citizen

My son was tragically murder by Wilson Romaine Coach USA Bus Driver who walked away a free man. Romaine drove the bus in a reckless manner when he was speeding and jumped the curb. Since my son's demise, I have not been living. I am just existing. I came in contact with people who I spoke with telling them I am tie of being on this earth with the images of my son's body remains pervading all over the road. These rude ignorant people say to me, at least you are alive, breathing or alive. I tell these insensitive people I am not living; I just existing.  And, because I am living or alive it does not me I am living.  Nor does it means I want to be alive or breathing.  Some person in my situation prefers not to be on this earth; instead of being haunted everyday with the images of her child organs all over the road. People need to stop saying stupid thing and say nothing because it can be their child or children.
Here is the meaning between living an existing. 

Poem: A Light for Deshon

Poem: A Light for Deshon