Justice For Deshon Johnson
These reckless bus driver fatal injuries and deaths are continuing on rising and the cover-ups/corruption are still happening by #NJTransit, Community Coach USA, Governor Christy, District Attorney, Essex County Prosecutors Vehicular Homicide, Insurance Company, bus drivers and the bus companies Attorneys. These political officials, transportation company, and justice system do not value human life. It is sad that we sit here a watch them committing legalize murder and make it okay.These so call advocate organizations, social justice organizations, humanity organization and transportation/pedestrian organization is not worth two cents. They are just they're taken up space. These spectaculars dealing with this type of murder just sit back and talk amongst each other and make assumptions about the issues on why these reckless drivers are killing people. Instead of writing to their Senators, boycotting and protesting NJ Transit, Community Coach USA, MTA, School Bus companies.
#recklessbusdrivers #lawmakers #NJlaw #EssexCountyProsectors#homicide #vehicularhomicide #murder #transportation #advocate#advocacy
#recklessbusdrivers #lawmakers #NJlaw #EssexCountyProsectors#homicide #vehicularhomicide #murder #transportation #advocate#advocacy