Thursday, May 2, 2013

Please support Deshon Johnson's College Scholarship Foundation

Please come and visit Noneillahstore. com. At Noneillahstore we sell men cufflinks, watches, women jewelries, children jewelries, belt buckle and many more. We also do personalized gift if you send us your design or photo. All products are from the Noneillah's collection by Sean Cos Mason aka Deshon Johnson, each design on items is designed by Deshon's mother. Some of the money from each item purchase goes to the Deshon Johnson's college Scholarship. If you like to read more about Deshon Johnson please Google his name. There is also a Deshon Johnson donation page set up on Gofundme and a petition on Thank you for your support.

1 comment:

  1. أنا أستاذ متقاعد أملك خبرة جديرة بالإستثمار والتوظيف في حقلي التربية والتدريس،وحيث أنّكم مهتمّون بتطوير مردودية التدريس وتحديث طرق وآليات الدفع به إلى فضاء أرحب وأوسع فأنا رهن إشارتكم إن كنتم ترغبون في ذلك.ومعلوم أنّي عملت كمدرّس قرابة ثلث قرن من الزمان بالمؤسسات التربوية الحكومية في المغرب.


Poem: A Light for Deshon

Poem: A Light for Deshon