Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Justice for Deshon Johnson Protest Video

Naomi Johnson is raising awareness about her music

artist son Sean Cos Mason tragic story about her only

child life that was stolen by reckless Coach USA bus

driver Wilson Romaine operating New Jersey Transit

bus 709. Romaine drove recklessly when he approach

Johnson on the curb, knocked him down then

dragged him 50 to 100 feet to his demise. Romaine

was not charge or did not get bail money for

murdering Johnson. He walked away a free man and

was giving his CDL (commercial driving license) the

same day and went back driving the bus. Few months

after Romaine murdered Johnson on July 18th he was

involved in another incident. Let’s coming together

and help hold these reckless bus driver and state run

bus company be held accountable for these countless

lives taken. You can click this link down below to sign

the petition and write your comment dealing with this

injustice death.

Stop reckless, aggressive, and rude bus drivers from carelessly taking young innocent lives like Deshon Johnson

In the video are tomb stones of other victims who were murder by a reckless bus driver. These reckless bus drivers need to be held accountable for all these countless lives taken in vain. There should be some stiffer penalties for these reckless bus drivers. They should be in jail, job taken and never drive a bus or any vehicle.  These driver can go home to their love ones but the murder victims cannot.

All of this killing with a bus will stop if these reckless bus driver knows they are going to jail and lose their job.


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Poem: A Light for Deshon

Poem: A Light for Deshon