Sunday, July 1, 2018

Call For Action On Deshon Johnson Corruption By The Essex County Prosecutor Office and Coach USA/NJ Transit Bus Companies

Call For Action On Deshon Johnson Corruption By The Essex County Prosecutor Office and Coach USA/NJ Transit Bus Companies

The above information speaks volume of Romaine lying and dangerous behavior. Transit Attorney actions support Romaine murdering Deshon. Wilson was not charged or fired for murdering Deshon and Tuzzio covering up victim’s death with Essex County Homicide Prosecutor. Go to Soulality Blog to watch the video. 

Write to the District Attorney to get Deshon’s case to reopen. 

Coach USA Bus Driver Wilson Romaine was not fired for his job and not charged for running over 22-years-old Deshon Johnson twice then dragging him 50 to 100 feet. Romain walked away from a free man for Dehson’s murder. The Essex County Vehicular Homicide Prosecutor never released the bus driver picture when he killed Deshon. The picture above is from the deposition video that Deshon’s new Attorney administered. The prosecutors from other towns released the black bus driver’s pictures of the white victims killed by their murder bus drivers. They did not do that for Deshon; is it because he was black and the bus driver was a black Haitian.

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Poem: A Light for Deshon

Poem: A Light for Deshon