Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Coach USA/NJ Transit Attorney Michael Tuzzio Conversation With Prosecutor About The Bus Video

Coach USA/NJ Transit Attorney Michael Tuzzio Conversation With Prosecutor About The Bus Video

This is the video snippet of Essex County Homicide Prosecutor Detective Mike Booker conversing with Coach USA/New Jersey Transit Attorney Michael Booker about the video on the bus during the time Wilson Romaine murder Deshon. During the investigation by Naomi hired Attorneys Brian Curly and Andrew Calcagno claimed that they were no video on the bus. In the video show the burden of proof that the prosecutor stated from his own mouth that Coach USA has the video. I am lead to believe that the Attorney and bus company destroy the video, which is considered to be tampering with evidence.  The murder bus driver is still operating the bus and never was charged for murdering Deshon. There has been a lot of racial indication dealing with Deshon's case based on the attorney Andrew.


  1. It's really good that we have a video of that particular murder but we have to aware of this type of incident. It is a great help for justice.Lawyer

    1. Thank you Northoldhamlaw, for your excellent comment. It is still hard to fight for even though have all the evidence that shows the bus driver deliberately killed Deshon New Jersey Justice System is again sweeping the case under the rug as if Deshon's life of no value. I pray that the bus driver and dishonest Attorneys will be disbarred. I believe if some of these unscrupulous Attorneys should be sworn under oath, do you know what justice system we will have.

    2. Yeah, you can contact me directly by visiting over website.


Poem: A Light for Deshon

Poem: A Light for Deshon